Portrait Writing.

There are some major differences between Studio and outdoor portraits. for these two though. In all studio portraits, you have a big advantage that often cannot be used outside, Its light. in a studio you have lights and the ability to create shadows in ones face or have there be no shadows period. outside on the other hand, you will often only have one sometimes two sources of light. The sun, and reflection of the sun (mirror, water etc). The image taken outside is during the evening. they took the picture to give a half silhouette of the person, her side is dark but you can still see some partial detail. In the studio, the image could have ben taken at any time of the day because they have control of the light source.

Communication in Photography

Images communicate through visual cues. They give us a message through observation. The message I receive from this image is freedom. Her arms are outstretched and she is standing by the ocean with her head back. She is giving her full trust into her surroundings. from what i can see of her face, she exhibits joy so she is likely showing her freedom through her joyfulness.